The Parable Of The Prodigal

It is not uncommon for a husband who has left his marriage to be referred to as “The Prodigal” by those standing for the restoration of their marriages. And even though I personally don’t feel comfortable with such labels, it’s true that we can learn a lot about standing for marriage restoration by taking a much closer look at the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15.

Based on my conversations with some of the FAM Fellowship members last week, I had already decided to use this parable as the basis for this week’s Restoration Principles, and I have been contemplating it and what it teaches us about standing for marriage restoration when our husbands leave us. As God always does, He was faithful to confirm this topic and to give me some additional insight through the messages from some of the preachers I listen to the most. David Jeremiah’s TV message yesterday was about the prodigal son as it relates to grace, and he pointed out that the parable tells us a lot more about the father than it does about the prodigal son, which is exactly what I’ve been more focused on! Then Joyce Meyer mentioned the parable of the prodigal son in her message this morning from another perspective, so I’m really looking forward to writing this week’s Restoration Principles. It will be from the perspective of how we should react and respond when our husbands do the same thing to us that the prodigal son did to his father, and how that relates to these verses in 1 Corinthians 7:
15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.
16 How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?.

Unlike many Christians, and even Christian leaders today, I don’t believe these verses mean we are free to remarry when an unsaved spouse leaves us, because that totally contradicts so many other verses of scripture. But, we’ll get into all of that in a lot more detail in this week’s Restoration Principles.

Since peace seems so elusive for many women standing for marriage restoration and it’s an area of significant challenge for so many of the women coming to our ministry, I’m providing a link to purchase this book by Joyce Meyer. Don’t let Satan steal your peace and joy, because he can’t have it unless you give it to him! I believe this inexpensive book will help you understand and overcome that.

By Joyce Meyer

Are you trying to do the impossible? Are you working too hard to change the people around you? Are you unhappy because you’re not where you want to be spiritually? Are you losing your peace? If you don’t have peace, you can’t enjoy life. Now Joyce Meyer shows you how to gain mastery over your day-to-day existence…while you find peace in the midst of the storm. She’ll teach you how to: wait on God and His perfect timing; outsmart the “peace stealers” who set you up to get you upset; find power in a calm and trusting attitude; focus on the grace of today and not the worries of tomorrow. The peace of God passes all understanding. It’s His free gift to you. Are you ready to receive it?

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