Getting Serious About Spiritual Warfare

Most of us are aware that this ministry and many other marriage restoration ministries have experienced a great deal of unusually heavy spiritual attack in the past few weeks, which is clear evidence that Satan is doing his best to protect and hold onto the strongholds he uses to prevent our breakthroughs! So yesterday when I received a call from a troubled young woman who didn’t share much about her particular circumstances other than indicating that she has a great need for deliverance in her life, I was reminded that we all HAVE to get a whole LOT more serious about spiritual warfare. Even though I know everyone standing for marriage restoration is all too familiar with spiritual warfare, I’m becoming more and more aware of how ill equipped we are to deal with it and walk in the victory Jesus died to give us.

Being as faithful as our loving Father ALWAYS is, I was bored with one of the programs I usually watch, so unexpectedly came across a new program called Inspiration Today, with David and Barbara Cerullo. And NOT by ANY coincidence, they just started a series called The Battle For Your Life this week! And so far it’s been an awesome study…and it’s available online! It’s a very in depth biblical study about the history of spiritual warfare, and it teaches what the weapons of our warfare are, and how to effectively use them to insure our victory. So even though the study might seem a little boring because of the detail, it is VERY important for all of us to give this study our undivided attention so we have a clear and thorough understanding of exactly what spiritual warfare entails and how to win the battle!

So ladies, PLEASE MAKE THE TIME for this important study. And see it through to the end. This could literally be what it takes to make the difference in our situations. If I could give a guarantee that this study would bring you the breakthrough you’ve been praying and waiting for, I know you’d watch the entire series. And the truth is that it could well be, because we can’t possibly win the battle without knowing EVERYTHING about our enemy, our own ability and authority, and how to use the weapons of our warfare MOST effectively. So please bookmark this link, Battle For Your Life, which started on 06/19/06, and follow through with the entire series. And it appears that each lesson can be saved to visit later, since each one has a different URL, which I STRONGLY encourage everyone to do.

Ladies, the battle belongs to the Lord, but the victory is ours! And Jesus already won the battle! Satan is a defeated foe! So let’s learn how to claim the victory TODAY! And let’s claim the restoration of our marriages TODAY! Let’s start taking back what Satan came to kill, steal and destroy! And let’s remember the awesome promise Jesus gave us in Matthew 16:16-19 (AMP), which says Simon Peter replied, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Then Jesus answered him, Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood [men] have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter [Greek, Petros–a large piece of rock], and on this rock [Greek, petra—a huge rock like Gibraltar] I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it]. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven. So let’s get it deep down into our inner beings that whatever we bind and loose here on earth is ALREADY bound and loosed in heaven! And let’s use what David Cerullo teaches us to take and effectively use the authority our own precious Lord and Savior died to give us, and take possession of our restored marriages in the name of Jesus Christ! Remember…IT IS DONE! Now we just have to EXPECT, WATCH and WAIT for the physical manifestation we’ve been waiting for!

2 Responses

  1. response by Stephanie Lezine Finley     

    This was great for me to read today and right on time. I too-am standing in the gaps for my marriage and husband. Just as recent as today I was sent an annonomous text msg. with someone accusing me of being a false prophet, and trying to speak death on me. I am sure it was the other woman. (If that isn’t the pot call’n the kettle black.) But I bound that in the name of Jesus and I plead the Blood of Jesus and I’m gonna continue to stand in my rightful place and take back what was stolen from me. Pray for my strength. THE VICTORY IS TRUELY OURS.

  2. response by Linda Wattu     

    Yes, Stephanie, we stand in agreement with you and call all curses against you null and void and of no force and effect! Praise the Lord for HIS word that NO weapon fashioned against us will prosper! And what a blessing it is to know that No wisdom, No insight, and NO plan can succeed against the Lord! The good news is that you must be seen as a threat, or the NCP wouldn’t bother sending such text messages! May the Lord bless and keep you in HIS love, power, grace and strength as you stand for the restoration of your marriage in obedience to Him! In His Love, Linda

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