Recognizing the AWESOME Power of our Testimonies
I wrote most of this message yesterday, but ended up being on the phone until quite late last night, and just ran out of steam, so I apologize for not getting it posted until this morning! But that means I had a chance to see the second part of Joyce Meyer’s message from yesterday, which I’ve included a link to as well…and you won’t want to miss it!
In the past week or so, as I’ve watched in total awe and amazement at how the Lord has moved so miraculously in the marriages and lives of so many of the FAM Fellowship members, I can’t help realizing how vitally important it is for all of us to recognize the awesome power of our testimonies. As I shared Monday, there’s no denying that those members seeing the most progress in the restoration of their marriages tend to be the same ones who are the most active in ministering to others through sharing the words of their testimony, by encouraging and supporting other members, as well as praying for them and even fasting with them when the need arises. And we even had further evidence of that yesterday when two more members posted praise reports sharing significant changes in their relationships with their spouses, and another one posted tonight about what could be very significant changes in her circumstances as well. So, as incredible as it seems, that means that other than me, NOT ONE OF THE most CONSISTENTLY ACTIVE FELLOWSHIP MEMBERS HAS FAILED TO SEE
It’s just my nature to want to understand things like this better; to know why it works that way or how the Bible confirms what I believe the Lord has shown me. And the first thought that comes to my mind about this is that the word of our testimony is not restricted only to things that have already happened, which we share with others for the glory of the Lord; that the word of our testimony is also what comes out of our mouths about what we believe is going to happen; what we believe to be the nature and character of God and how He works and will work in the restoration of our marriages and families. So when we minister to others with words of encouragement, while praising and glorifying the Lord, along with prayers expressing our faith and confidence in what God can and will do, those ARE also the words of our testimony! And based on Proverbs 18:21 AMP), we know our words literally have the power to bring things to life, because it says Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]. So as we minister to each other, we are speaking life and death into the situations and circumstances that affect our lives and marriages. We are testifying to the faith and confidence we have in the power and faithfulness of God and doing so with HIS Word, which Isaiah 55:10-11 assures us WILL accomplish the purpose for which God sent it, because it says As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. And those who mistakenly believe WHAT we say doesn’t make a difference or matter might need to be reminded of Matthew 12:36-37 (NKJV), because it says But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Furthermore, when we speak words of faith and obedience, not only are we speaking those things into existence, we really have NO idea of how the Lord will use them in our own lives OR the lives of others, even those we don’t know. The following testimony from Judy Rousseau’s Hope For Hurting Marriages email message this morning is a very powerful illustration of that, so I thank Stephanie in Texas for permission to share her awesome testimony here, which she gave, expressing the hope that it would inspire others, which I’m sure it will! She wrote:
“I want to share an experience that just happened to me in the past few weeks. I have been attending Women’s Community Bible study for the past 3 1/2 years. I usually end up sharing with those ladies about my stand, how I am keeping my vows and my belief that God will restore my marriage. I had told one lady that when my husband started pushing me for a divorce, I told him that I would continue to wear my ring and keep my vows regardless of what he did. I had told him that I had taken those vows in front of God, my friends and family and I had meant them.
About a week ago, this lady shared with me something that truly blessed me. She is a friend of a couple who have been going through marriage problems for the past several years. She had shared with the wife about my stand and told the wife my words…about keeping my vows, continuing to wear my ring, etc. When the husband finally got to the point where he told his wife he wanted a divorce, this lady (whom I have never met since she is a friend of my friend) told her husband my words …that she would keep her vows and continue to wear her ring no matter what he did. The husband of this couple then later told my friend that when his wife told him that (my words) that it was a turning point for him and that’s when he decided to stay and work on their marriage.
Can you believe that MY stand has been used to save someone else’s marriage? I hope you can all see how important it is to keep your vows and keep your words! If you
say you are going to stand, then STAND. Realize it’s not only about getting your spouse back but it’s also about keeping your word. You may never see all the fruits of your efforts but believe me, what you do does affect the lives of people you may never meet on this side of eternity. —
What an awesome illustration of the power of our testimonies when we share them with others! Encouraging podcast messages from Judy and Paul, including their testimony, are available at this link, and you can sign up to receive her email messages here.
Then another thought that came to my mind about why it’s so important to share our testimonies comes from 2 Corinthians 1:3-7, which makes it clear that God expects us to use our own experience in times of trouble to comfort and encourage others with the same comfort we ourselves found in Him. And the events of the past week, along with many others, especially conversations with many of the fellowship members over the past few days, totally confirm that God can even use our testimonies about the mistakes we’ve made for His glory. That’s really what this ministry is based on, because I use what I’ve learned as the painful result of making SO MANY mistakes (my marriage being destroyed for lack of knowledge – Hosea 4:6) as I stood for my marriage for many years, in almost complete ignorance of what God’s Word teaches, to help keep others from making the same mistakes. And that’s definitely in keeping with what Titus 2 teaches, particularly verses 3-5, which says Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. But my personal mistakes pain and disappointments couldn’t be used for the Lord’s glory the way they are today without willingness to submit in obedience to share the word of my testimony with others. And even though there’s no earthly reason to believe anything is happening in terms of the restoration of my own marriage, I’m not at all discouraged or frustrated, because that’s not the motivation for what I do, which is a good thing since James 4:3 tells us When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. However, my personal testimony is a powerful illustration and confirmation that what Satan intended for evil, God intended for good, just as we’re told He did in Genesis 50:20, as well as proof of my soul anchoring verse of scripture, Romans 8:28 (NASB), which says And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Since turning from our own sin and mistakes, dying to self, and following Jesus Christ in faith, love and obedience, is what we’re ALL called to do as Christians, though certainly not what comes naturally, it’s important not to lose sight of the most awesome promise of restoration the Lord gives us in Isaiah 55, especially verses 12-13, which say You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree, and instead of briers the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD’s renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed.” Besides being such an awesome promise of hope and renewal, this is WHY we have absolute confidence that God will use the words of our testimonies to release supernatural power to bring the things we speak in accordance with HIS will and Word to pass; HE WILL DO IT ALL FOR THE EVERLASTING RENOWN AND GLORY OF HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, which is further confirmed in Ephesians 1 as well.
So the stand we take for the restoration of our marriages is not about us. It’s not even about the restoration of our marriages and families. Unfortunately, that’s a difficult concept for many standers to grasp, but oh what joy, blessings and reward await those who do! There’s no glory for the Lord in our self pity, or when we live in fear or when we try to control and manipulate our situations; because that testifies to others that we do not trust God with all of our hearts; that we do not walk in faith and obedience to His Word and the promises He gives us; much less have absolute confidence and assurance that He WILL be faithful to bring it all to pass when we do. And it’s certainly not doing as we’re instructed in 1 Peter 3:14-16, which says But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. Obviously, this could quite easily be the subject for another book. But since time and space are limited, I’ll just encourage everyone to watch the following messages from Joyce Meyer and Taffi Dollar, which I know were not just coincidentally timed for today, because they so perfectly confirm and amplify what the Lord had put on my heart to write about YESTERDAY…just as it was not by chance that Stephanie’s testimony was shared today as well! We do indeed serve a most awesome, great and mighty God! So I hope and pray something in this message will cause all of us to more seriously consider our testimonies, and recognize the awesome power they release to work supernaturally on our behalf as we stand for the restoration of our marriages and the glory of Jesus Christ! Be blessed and encouraged!
An Unselfish Attitude – Part I
Linda, that was awesome. I often share with others all the things that go on in my marriage recently while standing – about any progress that is made such as when I said Bible verses in our bed and then the very next day, my husband went to church with me. I posted that testimony on this web site and shared it verbally with friends but I share more with my friends than I post on this web site. I somehow have it in my head that everyone reading my silly little posts may think I am just posting for the sake of posting but that is only the enemy trying to discourage me from sharing with everyone. Satan is the one who tells me they are silly when they aren’t silly to me plus there might be someone reading this web site that wants and needs to know what I have to say. It is important for us to share with each other so they may see things God may be trying to tell them through someone else’s post. Or possibly one member may need to know someone else is going through the same thing so they will know they are not alone in their feelings.
And you are so right about sharing your testimony and God blessing us by sharing. It seems the more I share, the more faith I build and the more I see even little things happen in my life. Also, the more I read others’ praise reports and postings, the more uplifted I feel. When it comes down to it, it is about ministering to others, being a good witness, sharing and encouraging, obedience, and always about glorifying our Lord.
Thanks, Linda. Your SOF this morning couldn’t have come at a better time for me.
Thank you, Christy. And you make a VERY important point, because I have heard others say they don’t post or share on the site, because they don’t think what they have to say is important. And, just as you said, that’s a lie straight from the pit of hell! Okay, maybe you didn’t say it QUITE that way!
And even if WE don’t think what we have to share is important, that’s not a good enough reason to NOT do what the Lord instructs us to do. When you think about it, sharing and ministering to others only because we think what we have to say is significant or important, is actually making it more about us, instead of the Lord. So it is precisely when we don’t think what we have to share is worthy, that we need to share it, because as you’ve also said, it helps us in our walk and it ministers to others, possibly in ways we’ll never even know. And if any of us ever needed encouragement to be more consistent in our efforts to minister to others, all we have to do is read back and see how God has worked in Alex’s, Diane’s and Jenn’s situations, as well as some of the others who have posted significant praise reports this week. I would think that speaks for itself! So, thanks again for sharing this, because I am sure others will be able to relate to it too.
You know, as I consider who God has used to minister to me, nothing shared is ever wasted. Someone, somewhere will benefit from it. How often I have been taught something by a homeless person on the streets, a child in the dentist office, old ladies chatting in the waiting room of the doctor’s office; there is just nowhere God cannot get a message to us. And, if the message is not to be understood by some, He will let it escape them. Look at what He did with all the parables in the Bible. So we must share what we do, whether it worked or not – Our Father will give us the discernment to understand and use whatever He wants us to know. I cannot remember reading any post on this site, ever, that I thought was silly, stupid, or was not helpful in a some way. Please, everyone, keep sharing what God puts on your heart. The more we share the more Satan will attack – that is a good thing! He has no choice – his power is limited to the here and now – he knows his days are numbered but ours are infinite.
Hi Linda,
I thank you for your encouragement last night. I ordered an edible basket for him, from me and the kids. Have a great day!!!! Pray that I continue to grow in His grace.
Linda, after reading your post for today I felt compelled to write and tell you about my two friends. My husband left almost 2 years ago. Before he left I had been praying for my two friend that I work with. I had asked them to come to Bible study and to church but they kept making excuses. After my husband left they kept asking me questions like “Aren’t you mad at God”. I explained to them that it wasn’t God’s fault my husband left and that it was satan’s influence on him. I stood for my marriage and continually told them about God’s faithfulness. I was really able to witness to them. To make a long story short, they are now attending Bible study and one of the gals is coming to church with me and wants to be baptized.
yes, so often something that someone else is experiencing is what I am going through. There have been so many times that someone’s post spoke directly to me, and I believe that God has spoken to me through these posts. Many times I will have prayed for some answer and read a post and there is my answer. So everyone keep sharing and giving God the deserved credit for everything that happens in our lives. This is for Gods glory, honor and praise. He is in control and so often, even when satan tries to tell us we missed the mark and God won’t help us, He always does. But I have noticed that when we do post praises, it makes the devil mad, so we need to be alert and ready to keep him under our feet. So everyone praise the Lord for everything in our lives, even the trials. Diane
Melissa, thank you so much for sharing another awesome of how the Lord is glorified when we stand in faith and obedience in a way that brings positive attention to the love and grace of Jesus!