Taking a Stand for the Covenant of Marriage!

Hopefully the things I’ve observed in the past week or so are not unique to me or FAMM; hopefully there is a real trend in the churches and ministries of America to finally start taking a stand for God’s Holy covenant of marriage! Last week, I was contacted by Grove Baptist Church in Portsmouth, VA to ask for permission to reprint one of the prayers from our site in their upcoming newsletter, which goes out to over 4,000 households! Of course, that’s a great honor; so I naturally gave permission and just requested that a link to the site be included. And I expressed my appreciation to know that a church was so interested in promoting marriage restoration instead of condoning or even encouraging divorce! What a difference it would make in so many lives if more churches would be so bold in taking a stand for the covenant of marriage! Then in addition to that, a lot of prophetic messages started coming out about honoring the covenant relationship of marriage and proclaiming the long awaited restoration of families. So it seems that God is telling those who have been waiting for the restoration of their marriages and families for a long time to GET READY! Seeing the very same message come from so many unrelated sources (of course, that’s if we don’t count the Holy Spirit!) can not possibly be insignificant. So I want to share just two of the latest messages I’ve received in the past two days. The first is a link I received today from a FAM member to The Fuzzy-Wuzzy World of Charismatic Morality by J. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma Magazine. The article in the upcoming issue promises to be a very good one, so I look forward to reading it! It’s long past high time we start standing up to the wishy-washy morality that now seems totally acceptable in mega churches and ministries today! And just read 2 Peter 2 if you doubt why we have to do that!

And the second message I want to share is from Glenn Jackson, who has written some very good messages about marriage and restoration in the past week or so. The following one was from yesterday, and anyone reading it and standing for marriage restoration is bound to be blessed and encouraged!


“Reflections” Of The Father’s Heart – February 3rd, 2008

Marriage was ordained by Me for a man and a woman to fulfil My destiny and calling upon their lives, and to be a continual sign and wonder to all those who cross their path of the superabundant blessings [fruit] of true Covenant-relationship.

One must always “pray” before they “say” [speak into a situation] [1 Thessalonians 5:17].

Many still base their “views” of “marriage” on an idealistic and moralistic idea that “society” has produced over the years. But truly I say to you, as the world [the earth] has gotten farther and farther away from “contact” with My Word the true view of marriage has been “diluted” to the point that it is considered “optional” by the vast majority of young people. And, therefore, they remain in “relationships” apart from covenant with Me and, thus, Satan has “free reign” in their lives, and in the lives of all those with whom they have to do [children]. Truly I say to you, there shall be a great revival in family and relationships in this final hour, and through My holy apostles and prophets I shall produce a “flaming” and “fiery” revelation of the true thoughts and intents of My heart concerning marriage and, because of these things, a great “revival” shall break forth in this area and many families shall be “supernaturally” restored and many relationships healed and, thus, “all” those who will partake of this blessing shall enter into ALL that which I had originally intended and “ordained” through the “marriage covenant” [with Me].

Glenn H. Jackson
P.O. Box 1032
Kremmling, CO 80459

You can visit Glenn’s website, where you can read this message and all the others he’s written concerning marriage recently; and you can listen to his online messages an sign up to receive numerous daily email messages as well.

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