Revisiting Forgiveness
As the Lord continues to bless the ministry and continues to add to our numbers, it’s often a good idea to “revisit” some of the most basic principles of standing for marriage restoration. And few are more basic than our need to forgive and FORGET; yet I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard that it just isn’t possible to forget and that it’s hard to believe God REALLY expects us to forget. So this seems like a good time to refer many of our new members and perhaps new visitors to the public website to a previous Seeds Of Faith post, God Commands Us To Forgive AND Forget, which I really hope and pray everyone who hasn’t been blessed by the peace that only comes when we have forgiven and forgotten will read and seriously meditate on. As the passages of scripture included in the above post make abundantly clear, as Christians expecting to live in the blessing of God’s forgiveness, we MUST forgive and that DOES mean forgetting! But when we truly do forgive and forget, we will indeed be blessed and encouraged beyond description because we will have taken one of the most important steps to the complete restoration of our marriages!