Eating the Fruit of our Words!

One of the most important things I’ve learned since working in marriage restoration ministry is the absolute, undeniable power of our words; either for good or bad, as confirmed in Proverbs 18:21 (AMP), which says Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].

While I’m so thankful that the Lord finally brought this vitally important understanding to my heart and mind, it’s not always that easy to practice and be at peace with. First, even though I know it, I still find myself speaking things that I shouldn’t; not nearly so much as I used to, but certainly way more than I want to. But the most frustrating thing about understanding the power of our spoken words is hearing the negative, complaining, critical, hopeless and unpraiseworthy words that so often come out of the mouths of others, because they do not glorify the Lord in any way, shape or form. And that’s difficult, because I know without a doubt that when and if we could just fully grasp this message, our lives would change in ways so far beyond anything we could ever ask or imagine. So I urge everyone to listen very carefully to Your Words And Your Future – Part I and Your Words And Your Future – Part II, which are two AWESOME messages from Joyce Meyer from yesterday and today. They truly are life transforming messages, so listen to them several times if necessary, and definitely be prepared to take notes, because we WILL and DO eat the fruit of our words, especially as we stand for the restoration of our marriages!

And I thank Diane for her permission to share the following Heart To Heart message she posted on the ladies’ private website yesterday as a result of listening to the first message, as well as those who posted responses. It’s just not possible to get the point of Joyce’s message, as Diane obviously did, without being greatly blessed and encouraged!


s I keep hearing messages about the words we speak and how powerful they are. So I know that God is speaking to me and saying “Keep it positive.” In Joyce Meyer’s TV broadcast message today, she was again saying…Believe it in your heart, confess it with your mouth and let God’s Angels work. I have heard this message before, but feel that God was reminding me that we need to speak Gods word and give our angels something to work with. We need to call those things that aren’t as though they are, and speak life into our futures; confessing good things over our futures, our marriages, and our families. With our words we can reach in to the spiritual realm and grab hold of all that God has stored up for us. Even though I know we have heard it before, I keep being reminded, so I know God really wants us to get it. We need to keep speaking positively about the future and keep the negatives out. We need to look deeper into things to find the positive, if all we see is negative. If we look at it differently, we will find the positive. We can even ask someone else if we can’t find something positive. We just have to keep looking, because it is there. We need to stop saying we “can’t” and just believe that with Christ we can do ALL things. We must be positive people and as we keep being reminded, God will work all things for good for those who love Him and have been called for His purpose. That is ALL THINGS, and that is US. He will turn our tears into joy and every hurt is for a purpose. So let’s keep praying and praising, believing and confessing it, and let God send His angels in to work in our marriages. Let’s stay positive and love unconditionally like Jesus loves us and we will all see Gods glory. Diane

Response by Maria on June 27th, 2007 at 2:43 pm
Diane, I watched Joyce Meyer’s today too, and liked the idea that we have to speak positively and give God and the angels something to do. She said we are responsible for our own misery, because that’s what we are speaking and people don’t like to be around us. So we have to be joyous and happy and we will infect others as with the plague with our joy and happiness. God spoke the word and the universe was created so if we really believe that, than why doubt and not do it.

Response by Thursa on June 27th, 2007 at 9:09 pm
I’ve been told many times that my positive attitude is contagious. I am so blessed that God has given me so much to be positive about! He is in all of it and in everything when I look for Him! God fills me with joy when I ask and the positive attitude just flows out and really does attract others to “what I got”, and that includes our spouses!!! Remembering that Paul said ALL things and not just some or a few and also that he said WORKS not worked or will work, I believe is key! It says it right there that its here, now, and always for ALL things…what more do we need to get that positive booster shot?

Response by Paula on June 27th, 2007 at 10:13 pm
Diane, WOW! I’m learning to put this into practice, but I pray that I become more consistent in doing so. I am very grateful and thankful for so many things, -even in the midst of what I’m going through with my husband. God has been so faithful and good to me and the kids in his “temporary” absence. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of being and speaking positively about our situations.

Response by Kathy in Oregon on June 27th, 2007 at 10:40 pm
Diane, this just so ministered to me today — thank you so much for sharing your post and Joyce’s link! God was surely speaking and showing us how to speak His Truth into being! Wow! The awesome power of His Word we simply cannot fathom, but it DOES move mountains and causes all of our paths to be level!

Response by Robin on June 28th, 2007 at 12:43 am
Thank you, Diane for being obediant to the Holy Spirit and posting these words of encouragement. It is sooooo easy to focus on the negativity in our lives, but if we keep our eyes on Christ, and say, do, and believe what His word says, He will keep us in perfect peace. It is important for to remain positive daily.

One Response

  1. response by sasha     

    This area is so crucial. It’s so easy to be negative, and we reap from it daily with a delayed restoration and moments of deep sadness and frustration. However, it is so habitual to confess negative words, that we continue to do it despite how much it hurts us. I praise God, because as of now, I declare in Jesus’ name, that through Christ and not in my own strength or intellect, I will begin to confess and declare his word. I ask God to forgive my doubts and negativity and feeding to the enemy’s lies. I thank God, because he tells us that no one that trusts in him will be put to shame. And if God is for us, who can be against us? Thank you, Lord, for my saved and holy husband, because your word tells me that a sanctified wife sanctifies her husband and that if I believe in you, my household will also be saved. and my husband is not only part of my household; he is the head of it. Praise God for his word.

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