Please make Plans to see Fireproof this Coming Weekend!
I’d like to remind everyone that the movie Fireproof will be opening in theatres all over the United States this weekend and to encourage everyone standing for marriage restoration to go see it and to take as many friends and family members as you can along with you. You can learn more about the movie and why it’s so important to attend this weekend in particular at this link.
Everyone I’ve talked to who has already seen the movie is very impressed with it and very excited about the impact it will have on many men and women in terms of revealing GOD’S plan for marriage and that with God, all things are possible, including the restoration of marriages that appear to be beyond repair.
I truly believe that this is one of the most significant opportunities those of us who have an interest in marriage restoration have to make a meaningful difference in our culture, so I hope and pray that theatres all over the country will be packed this weekend and that we will all take a stand that really counts. If this movie is deemed a “box office hit” by the powers that be, it will send a powerful message that marriage and family still matters in this country as little else could and many who might not otherwise ever hear of marriage restoration will be given hope and new direction in their troubled marriages for the first time. So let’s DO it! And you can find out where Fireprrof is playing at the above link, as well as watch the movie trailer. Be blessed and encouraged and pray that the Lord will soften and prepare the hearts of men and women seeing the movie and that they will receive the message that Jesus saves!