Despite knowing that the Lord was dealing with me concerning my failure to share some of the incredible testimonies He’s given me over the past few months, I resisted doing so for what seem to be good and honorable reasons, but there’s no such thing as a good reason to resist God. I even mentioned it in a recent post, saying that the Lord had nailed me about not sharing my testimony as I should. And even though my reasons might “sound” good, they don’t justify disobedience. But being ever so patient and ever so faithful, God continued to speak to me about it and finally drove the point home a bit more forcefully in the past few days, which I believe is why I’ve experience the return of chronic health issues for the first time in a LONG time. Well, He definitely got my attention, so I wisely decided to step out of my comfort zone and do what I know God wants me to do. And in His infinite faithfulness, He provided a perfect opportunity to share the testimonies I’m about to share. In fact, in light of how well this all ties in together, I now see that this is probably exactly how the Lord had it planned all along! For instance, I intended to write this yesterday and share it with yesterday’s message from Andrew Wommack as confirmation of what he’s teaching. But then what I wrote yesterday seemed more pressing, so I put it off until today. And so true to how God ALWAYS works, Andrew’s messages from today and tomorrow are even better, because they really make the point of how we experience the transforming power of God as never before when we really get into His word! So I suggest watching his TV broadcast from January 17, 2007 and January 18, 2007 before reading the rest of this post. They’re messages from the series he’s doing this month called “A Sure Foundation”, which is about how vitally important it is for us to study and understand the word of God and the supernatural power it releases into our lives. And those of you who know me best, know a series like this is right up my alley, so I encourage you to listen to the rest of the messages in this series as well, which you can do at his website, where they are archived.
Generally speaking, I tend to be very uncomfortable with anything that focuses much attention on me, and I have to admit that I may be overly conscientious about that because of how I’ve seen others in ministry let it become a problem. But the Lord has shown me that even good things can be taken to extremes, which is what I did, and that’s so contrary to the very verses He gave me as the basis for the formation of this ministry! The devil is very sneaky and cunning, and his clever plan and purpose make total sense in light of Revelation 12:10-12, which says:
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.”
So having been appropriately convicted that it may well be pride that kept me from sharing these awesome testimonies of literal miracles (because they probably sound too incredible to believe), I share them now solely for the purpose of bringing glory to God and to testify about HIS infinite faithfulness to fulfill every single word and promise found in the Bible, His inspired word! The things I’ve experienced are in no way a credit to me other than my devotion to studying God’s word and coming to the unmistakable conclusion that I can rely on every word and promise from God with absolute faith and confidence that He WILL bring them to pass! And since I’ve never experienced amazing and supernatural things like this before in my life, I know it’s absolute confirmation of what Andrew Wommack teaches in the two above messages, which are based on Mark4:1-20.
I actually shared the first miracle I experienced with the ladies on the private fellowship site immediately by posting the following praise report on October 9, 2006:
Good Morning Everyone! I’m so excited; it’s hard to contain. For the first time ever, I had a prayer answered INSTANTLY, and when it was, I have to confess I was shocked!
I was working in my yard yesterday for the first time in a while, when I felt something on my leg. It wasn’t moving or anything, so it didn’t occur to me that it was a bug (don’t forget, I can’t see), so I reached down to pick it up…but it WAS a bug or something and it bit or stung my leg and my finger. Within a minute or so, the pain on my leg was very intense and then it started to spread rapidly. I’m always getting bitten or stung by something when I’m working in the yard, but I hadn’t ever had anything quite like this, and as I was considering that, I remembered some pretty bad stories I had heard about people getting bitten by a brown recluse, and I wondered if that’s what it was. Well, I knew I didn’t need to deal with that, so I simply said out loud “Jesus, please help me and protect me.” That was all…no big deal. But the pain went away IMMEDIATELY and I couldn’t believe it! Then when I came into the house later and checked it out, there was just a funky little mark on my leg and it was a little sore to the touch, but this morning there’s no sign of it! Maybe that doesn’t seem like a big deal to anyone else, but it was a miracle to me, because that pain was pretty intense and it was spreading very fast! Thank you, Lord, and I give You ALL praise, honor and glory! And I didn’t even ask for it to go away immediately. I just didn’t want to end up in the hospital and to have some of the horrible things happen to me I had heard of happening to others…but God is just so awesome, and I think He wanted to remind me that He DOES listen and He DOES answer our prayers, and sometimes it’s even INSTANTLY!
And just as an extra note of encouragement, I started praying for the Lord to improve the level of communication with my husband a few weeks ago, and he’s done that too! I’ve talked to my husband twice in the past week and a half, after not talking to him for 14 months, and he actually initiated email totally on his own for the first time in 10 months, and now we’re communicating much more than we have in a long time. So don’t give up, ladies, and DON’T stop praying! God is faithful to answer prayers. Little did I know that was just the beginning of many other awesome miracles to come. And even though I won’t be sharing everything I’ve seen the Lord do, I’ll share the ones I hope will be the most encouraging to others.
Unfortunately, one of the things I’m not good about doing, even though it is something I strongly encourage everyone to do, is keeping a journal. And I really wish I were a lot better about that, because I know there’s a lot of detail I’ll never be able to remember, such as the date I prayed a very simple and heart felt prayer. But I know it was about two and a half months ago. I’ve bitten my nails just about all of my life, and during the two years that I didn’t, I still mutilated my cuticles. So my hands have always looked terrible as a result. Then one day when they were really in bad shape, I just said to the Lord that He knew what a terrible witness that was, and that I really wanted to quit, but that nothing I had done seemed to work, so I needed Him to help me quit biting my nails and picking at my cuticles. I don’t think I even put an amen on it…it was just a heart to heart with the Lord. And I didn’t think about it after that, and I don’t know when it happened…if it was right away or in a matter of time. But a few weeks ago I noticed a rough cuticle, and instead of picking at it or biting at it, I just got an Emory board out and smoothed it out and then put some cuticle cream on it. Well I was pretty impressed with myself, especially when I did it again later that night. And then the next day, I did the same thing, and I remember thinking “You’ve really quit biting your nails!” And that’s when the Lord brought the conversation I had with Him about it to my mind! Then I felt bad for not remembering and giving Him thanks for answering my prayer! That may not seem like a big deal to anyone else, but anyone who has struggled to stop biting their fingernails will understand why I consider it a miracle!
Then the next miracle is a BIGGIE! I hadn’t been attending my home church for quite awhile for a variety of reasons, but we recently got a new pastor so I went back to check him out. I was very impressed, because he really preaches and teaches the word, and that’s a must for me. So I got right back into the hang of things at church, which for me includes “Cottage Prayer” meetings on Monday nights. At the first meeting I learned that my new pastor had some very serious back problems that debilitate him at times and that he was having a lot of test done to find out what the problem was. But much to my dismay, I also learned that he was what I considered quite deficient in the faith department! And I was REALLY put on the spot, because I’m known for being a pretty serious prayer warrior, and the leader of the group (who is also my Sunday School teacher and one of the deacons) and I have a very interesting history of praying for a major healing miracle In his life, which the Lord brought to pass, so he told the pastor not to be surprised if I had him sit in a chair in the middle of the room so we could all lay hands on him and pray for healing! Talk about being embarrassed; I was embarrassed, because I don’t do that unless I feel led by the Holy Spirit to do it, and I wasn’t feeling the slightest inkling to do so that night! And I didn’t feel so led for the next couple of weeks either, which was starting to bother me, so I asked the Lord about it, but got no reply. I figured it was because he didn’t believe the Lord would heal him. I think he felt that this was his thorn to bear, like Paul, and that the Lord wouldn’t heal him because of that. Apparently this had been a problem for many years, because he had surgery about six years ago and it didn’t really help that much. Well, much to my surprise, in the middle of a Wednesday night service, the Lord gave me the burden to pray for him. So after the service, I asked if I could pray for him, which he agreed to and appreciated, of course. A friend of mine was with me that night because she was considering playing the piano for us. So after church, she and the pastor went back to his office to talk. Then she came and asked me to join them. We talked for awhile and then we had a time of prayer; when I prayed for his healing again, feeling an even stronger burden about it then. And then we sat and visited a little longer. Then one of the strangest things I’ve ever had happen to me happened! Mind you, this was the FIRST time I had spent ANY time with a new pastor… Yet, out of absolutely nowhere, and definitely not of my own volition, I pointed at him and said “You are healed.” I was shocked and mortified! I couldn’t believe those words just came out of my mouth! And even though my friend has known me to do some pretty unusual “stuff”, I think she was just as shocked! Then when she was bringing me home, she told me she didn’t think he believed the Lord would heal him, so I wasn’t the only one who noticed that. Well, I just told the Lord that I was sorry; that I didn’t know what made me do that; that I knew the man didn’t believe He would heal him. So I guess I had really put Him on the spot! Then on Sunday I asked my pastor how his back was and he said it was “okay”…so I told him to start paying more attention to it, because it was healed. So again I was wondering where in the world that came from! There are a lot more interesting details, because it took a little time for it to sink in, but the bottom line is that my pastor’s back was healed instantly the night the Lord told me it was! Yes, I finally figured out (only after we realized that he was healed), that it was the Lord that made me do that, and not the devil as I had been tempted to think!!! Needless to say, that’s quite a miracle and my poor pastor is still having a hard time believing it! He tells me now it wasn’t that he didn’t believe the Lord COULD heal him; he just wasn’t sure the Lord WANTED to heal him!
Then my next miracle was almost two weeks ago. I have two elderly little Chihuahuas, fourteen and fifteen years old. Crystal was actually born the day after I moved out in accordance with our separation agreement, a little over fifteen years ago, and I got her when she was about eight weeks old. So she’s been through a LOT with me and she’s always been very healthy, but has slowly declined over the past three or four months and even lost her hearing. She had gotten to the point of hiding under the desk most of the time, which I think was because that’s where she felt safe since she couldn’t hear. But I’d always get her and take her to bed with me and Sabrina (the other little one). But that particular night she woke me up in the middle of the night, because she was throwing up. She was very weak, seemed to be having a hard time breathing and her body temperature had dropped. And when she refused to eat her breakfast for the first time ever, I knew she was VERY sick. So as soon as it was late enough to call, I made arrangements for a friend to take me to the vet’s, but we couldn’t go for several hours and I wasn’t sure she’d make it that long. So I did the only thing I knew to do and I laid hands on her and prayed for the Lord to heal her. I said I knew there wasn’t really anything in His word that said He would heal her, but He knew how much I loved her, so I hoped He would, because I knew He could. And then I told Him that if He wasn’t going to heal her, to please not let her suffer, and then I reminded Him that I couldn’t afford the vet bills. Then out of nowhere I got the idea to see if she would eat some peanut butter off my finger, and she did! That was very encouraging, and it wasn’t long before she got up and drank some water and kept it down. She drank water a few more times and kept it down, so I called my friend to say I wanted to wait to see what happened, and confessed that I had laid hands on her! To make the story short, the dog is fully recovered, just kept steadily improving from that time on, and now she acts like a puppy again AND SHE CAN HEAR!!! I told you this stuff would be hard to believe!
Well, there’s one more…a lot less significant, but certainly proof that God hears our prayers and that He takes great care to orchestrate the necessary events to bring about the answers! At our church wide prayer meeting last Wednesday night, my Sunday School teacher particularly asked me to pray for one of the women on the prayer list, so I asked for a little more information about her. And then I asked for her phone number, but someone said we should make sure it was okay with her first, which was certainly understandable. Apparently she has fibromyalgia among other ailments, and battles depression, and the Lord really put a burden for her on my heart (it’s hard to explain, but I don’t always feel what I call a “burden” to pray for people or situations, which I think is just the Holy Spirit prompting me). So over the next few days she’d come to my mind and I’d pray for her, and then Saturday the Lord brought her to my thoughts again and I was concerned about meeting her. Obviously, I couldn’t be used to minister to her without meeting her, and they had said she didn’t get out of the house much. So I just simply asked the Lord to create the circumstances where I could meet her if He meant for me to minister to her. And that was all. The next morning, my friend decided not to go to Sunday School, and I almost didn’t go either, but felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to call and get another ride, which I did. After class was under way, a lady with the same name as the one I was praying for came in late, and the teacher seemed excited to see her, so I wondered if that could be her. But there wasn’t any way to know and I had heard conversations recently about another woman with the same first name. Then after church, my friend and I were going to eat at a buffet and I invited some friends to come with us, but they said they were meeting someone else for lunch at another restaurant. So we decided to go there too. When we got there (we ended up being late, because my friend had to talk to someone about the music), about twenty people from church were there, and I ended up sitting across from a lady I didn’t know. Not being able to see, it took me awhile to figure out that it was the same lady who came in late to Sunday School and who was in fact the woman I had been praying for! So I was sort of sitting there like the cat who had swallowed the canary, but I couldn’t figure out how to get the conversation around to what I wanted to talk about…so I just asked the Lord to help! And I kid you not, a couple arrived late, who were visiting from another church, and sat down next to us…the husband next to the woman across from me and the wife next to me. And the husband was a very friendly sort of guy and started asking a hundred questions, bringing the conversation right to where I was hoping it would go! In the end she ended up mentioning she was on disability and I was able to ask why, and that led me to say I’d like to pray for her later if that was okay with her. I told her I really believed in the power of prayer and showed her my nails as proof. Then she said that she believed in prayer too and that that morning all she was praying for was to be able to get to Sunday School. And that’s when the Lord prompted me to tell her everything about how I had been asked to pray for her and how I had prayed for the Lord to give me an opportunity to meet her, and here we were sitting across from each other at lunch! She was pretty impressed needless to say, and as I was getting ready to leave, she said she definitely wanted me to have her phone number! And now we’re planning to get together for lunch or something soon!
I know this was long and I’ve included a lot of minute details, but they’re important to help show just how detail oriented God is when it comes to answering our prayers! And it’s not possible to experience miracles like these without realizing just how much God cares for us and that He manages and orchestrates every detail of our lives! But none of this started happening in my life with such regularity until AFTER I started spending a great deal of time studying God’s word. It’s just like Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, and now Andrew Wommack, have been teaching all this week, the word of God has to be sown in our hearts before we can reap its promises and blessings. I have a quiet and confident trust and faith in God that I didn’t have before I started studying the Bible so seriously, and just as with salvation, after experiencing something so amazing, we can’t help wanting everyone else to experience it too. So that’s why it’s so important to make a serious commitment to doing whatever it takes to study and get a better understanding of God’s word, and that has to come from reading if for yourself, and not from what I or anyone else tells you it says. Nothing compares to the feeling of hearing from God through the power of His word, which is why I include so much scripture in everything I write. It’s God’s word that has the power, not mine or anyone else’s, so I pray for everyone reading this to be filled with a hunger and passion to read and study it for themselves. When you do, you’ll really know what it means to be blessed and encouraged!