The Incomprehensible Power of Comprehending God’s UNFAILING Faithfulness!

Monday was quite a day in the FAM Fellowship as one testimony after another was posted revealing how God had worked in our midst over the weekend. And as I watched the day unfold and heard from one member after another, I knew I wanted to share that experience and all it teaches us about the character and nature of God here on the public site because there’s nothing more important to us as Christians than REALLY comprehending the power and promise of God’s Word in our lives, as well as God’s UNFAILING Faithfulness to carry it out right down to the smallest detail. That’s why the strongest desire of my heart when ministering to men and women standing for the restoration of their marriages is to have them truly understand that because nothing else even comes close to the incomprehensible power released into our lives and ability to walk in the victory Jesus came to give us when we do. FAM members would all readily acknowledge that I sometimes get frustrated with what seems like an inability to get that point across, but that’s just because I know how vitally important it is and the mind blowing power it releases into our lives when we do get it. Just as Isaiah 64:4 says Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. And again, 1 Corinthians 2:9 says However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” — So when we put that together with Proverbs 21:30, we should start to get it, because it says There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD. And then John 14:15 simply says “If you love me, you will obey what I command.

We try to make the ways of God SO complicated and there’s nothing complicated about it. He simply wants us to love Him and unreservedly trust and obey Him. Psalm 37:5-6 (AMP) really leaves NO doubt about that, especially as we stand WITH GOD for the restoration of our marriages and families, because it says Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. And He will make your uprightness and right standing with God go forth as the light, and your justice and right as [the shining sun of] the noonday. And then Proverbs 3:5-6 (AMP) says Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths. But just in case that’s not clear enough, in Matthew 7:24-28, Jesus leaves absolutely NO doubt about the difference between those of us who hear His Word and put it into practice and those who hear His Word and DON’T put it into practice, in the following parable about The Wise and Foolish Builders, which says:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do. And then Isaiah 55:10-11 again leaves NO DOUBT of the power and promise of God’s Word, assuming we believe God, because it says As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. And once again, Jesus summed it all up in Matthew 4:4, which says Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ “ God is going to do exactly what God says He will do, and when we really understand that about His nature and character and truly understand that He has the power to do it and WILL be faithful to do it, there’s absolutely nothing we can’t achieve in our lives in the name and authority of Jesus Christ!

I was actually feeling quite disappointed that I didn’t have time to share Monday’s amazing testimonies and praises from the private site here yesterday, but when I heard Joyce Meyer’s TV broadcast message this morning, I just had to laugh, because God was so clearly up to one of the things about Him that ALWAYS TOTALLY blows my mind, which is His amazing faithfulness to confirm important messages He’s trying to get across to us. And that’s exactly what He did once again today through Joyce’s message, Going Deeper In God – Part 1! So I’d strongly recommend listening to this very important message from Joyce, and then reading the following posts and responses that were posted on the ladies private website Monday because there’s no way to see God in action as He has been in our midst without recognizing the incomprehensible power gained by comprehending Gods UNFAILING faithfulness to bring His Word to pass! So I greatly appreciate permission from the FAM Fellowship members to share their testimonies and responses here because I know they will bless and encourage you!
Note: For the sake of privacy names of members are sometimes omitted (MNO) and spouse names are always omitted (SNO). Also, the posts appear in the order in which they were posted, so it’s interesting to see how Fran’s spirits were lifted throughout the day.

Rough Days – by Fran
Rough Days

This past weekend was a pretty rough time for me. My husband filed for divorce three months ago, and in my state, it can take as little as 60 days for the whole case to be settled. Well, before he left to go on a trip this weekend, he brought me some papers to look over. And these papers are to be our final divorce decree, if God allows it, and he wants us to go some time this week to have them notarized. After that, I believe they would still have to go to a judge before being finalized.

I do not want to sign these papers. I do not want a divorce. I do know that God is still in control and if I have to go through this, I need His grace to get me through it.

Please pray for me as I am having a hard time praying for myself. I feel so emotionally drained and empty right now. I guess if there is any praise left in me, I’m thankful and I praise God that I am still standing. I am still believing in Him and His Word. And my desire is still to please Him.

Response by Christy on July 23rd, 2007 at 10:22 am
I can understand how you are feeling, Fran, although not exactly. I had to have this, that and the other signed and notarized about a month and a half ago. And it was very hard. But to this day, SNO still has not filed the papers, although they are ready. I know you don’t want to sign the papers, but it is God’s will for you to be submissive to your husband, though not His will for you to divorce. I know you know this, but remember that God hates divorce, and if He allows it, it is part of the plan. I know that sounds contradictory, but sometimes He allows these things, even if we have no idea why. But we will soon know. I don’t want to think that moving out and/or divorce is part of His plan for me, but it may be. It’s hard to get our heads around it sometimes, but God has it covered. He really, and truly does! This trial is only temporary! If you and hubby are separated for a time, then think of the greater plan and how much better your marriage will be when you two are restored.

We all have to remember our stands are callings from God. He chose us to stand for our marriages, because He knows we can do it. He’s entrusted us with this task. He has a unique and different plan for you, Fran, than for me or Linda or Diane or anyone else here. We all have certain people we need to touch with our stands. Most importantly our spouses. Some of us have unsaved spouses while others have spouses that have “wandered away” from God. Think of who we can reach as a result of our victories over the devil’s plans to destroy the family.

One of the things that got me through all the stuff I had to sign was that I was doing it out of obedience to my spouse. I spent so many years not doing as SNO pleased… boy! I felt I owed it to him. But I’ve noticed that as I’ve done what SNO wanted me to do; such as buy a house, sign over this and that to him and now hiring a huge, very noticeable U-Haul truck to move, his heart has softened. The more I do as I should, even though it hurts, SNO turns a bit back toward me. We will be rewarded for obedience to our spouses and to God, even if we don’t see it now.

I didn’t mean to make this post about me. I am using my examples to show you that even though it goes against the voice inside us that says divorce is wrong, it can still work out. We have to keep in mind that no matter what we do or no matter what our spouses do, God can fix any situation or use the situation or completely do the opposite! It’s a great feeling to know we have a God and Savior who can do anything we ask, and that He loves us that much.

1 Peter 4:12-13 “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.”

1 Peter 5:8-10 “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

Keep praising the Lord even if you don’t feel like it! You’re right to do so. Praise God that you and SNO are still in contact and he can see you and spend time with you! The more you praise, the more you will feel like it and the more power and faith you will receive from your praises. You’re right, – He will get you through it; whatever “it” may be!

Response by Maria on July 23rd, 2007 at 12:15 pm
Fran, I’ve been through a lot of pain lately myself, and I know exactly how you feel. Glad that you are praising God for upholding your stand. That’s a big one. If you go back and look at Diane’s praise testimonies, you’ll see why you remind me of her and where she stood back in January. We don’t know God’s plans; we are apparently just assisting Him while He is busy at work. He chose us to go alongside Him while He is working and we can rest assured He knows what He is doing. Just praise Him for choosing you to go alongside Him and watch, because He is a great God and we trust Him completely. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is like the dad who flings his child in the air and then catches him just in time. The child is laughing all the while, because he knows that his dad will catch him and is not worried however frightening it may look from high above. I praise the Lord that He gave you this chance and that He is so good that He will see you through this and restore your marriage, because He hates divorce. Glory to His name.

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 12:20 pm
WOW, Christy! What an awesome response and I hope it provides great encouragement and a reminder for you, Fran! Every word she wrote is SO true! And if anyone can attest to that, it is Diane! In fact, ladies, I think this is such an important message, I’d greatly appreciate your permission to share it on the public website in Seeds Of Faith, spouse names omitted, of course. It is such an important message and reminder for anyone facing divorce to understand that God is STILL in control, and that if He allows a divorce to be finalized, that too IS part of His perfect plan for restoration. Sometimes it takes a divorce and the consequences, for our spouses to realize that it was not what they wanted or expected after all. So the longer we hold on to preventing it, the longer God’s plan will take to be manifested. God could stop a divorce in a heart beat if He wanted to, and we have to believe that. So anytime one takes place when we’re standing on the power and promises of His Word, it is ONLY to accomplish HIS plan and the restoration of our marriages. And since God doesn’t do anything half way, it may well take what appears to be the total death and burial of our marriages to be fully able to see God’s glory when they are resurrected!

And Christy, sharing your experience as you have here, is not making it about you; it’s using the word of your testimony to defeat the devil, which is exactly what we know we’re supposed to do according to Revelation 12:10-11, which says Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

And we do have to rely on God’s instructions to us as wives, even in this process, because when we lean not to our own understanding and trust and obey Him, we know we can count on His promises to make our path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)and to make our righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of our cause like the noon day sun (Psalm 37:5-6)! And He does tell us to submit to our husbands in EVERYTHING, as unto the Lord, as
we see in Ephesians 5:22-24, which says Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. And Colossians 3:18 says Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. And 1 Corinthians 7:15, instructs us to let an unbelieving spouse leave if they want to, and if they don’t believe in God’s instructions against adultery and divorce, they ARE unbelieving. It says But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. And the word there for “bound” is not the word used elsewhere for the bond of marriage, but it’s a word used elsewhere in the Bible to denote slavery.

Fran, we will most certainly keep you in our prayers, Honey, and we are confident that the Lord is with you and that His love and grace will sustain you.

Dear Lord, we thank you for your love and grace and the power and promise of your Word. We thank you that we have your assurance that when we trust and obey you, and stand in faith and obedience for the full and complete restoration of our marriages, you will uphold them and do whatever it takes to restore them. We thank you for peace that passes all human understanding, which we have only because we put our faith and confidence in your Word and your faithfulness and ability to carry it out. Please give Fran and everyone else the peace and comfort needed as we face challenges during times of testing and trial. We know you give us all we need to accomplish the things you have called us to do, and that we CAN do ALL things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us! We will be victors and not defeated! We will see our marriages restored in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, and He WILL be glorified! We love you and give you All praise, honor and glory for the great and mighty things you have done and will continue to do as we simply trust and obey you! And we ask all this in the most powerful name in all of heaven and earth, which is Jesus Christ! Amen.

Response by Thursa on July 23rd, 2007 at 1:18 pm
This is a wonderful all around post!!! Fran, I know God is using your entire testimony for His glory! This is proof in that as you were obedient and shared your burden with us here at FAMM. God is so wonderful He used that to provide encouragement for you and for all of the others through what you have shared! As Linda mentions, it is our testimonies that kick Satan right on out of here!!! God NEVER gives us more than we can handle, just as He says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 “No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” He also tells us that in Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” And notice it doesn’t say IF you pass through, it says WHEN!!! God’s Word is His promise to US so you can know you WILL pass through this and His glory is going to shine so very brightly in your complete marriage restoration!!! So STAND strong and have confidence in the mighty promises God has given you and all of us Fran! This is just a bump on your mighty God glorifying journey to complete marriage restoration!!!

Response by Fran on July 23rd, 2007 at 2:57 pm
I just wanted to update you guys some. The power of prayer has worked. The feeling of heaviness that I had this morning and all yesterday is gone. I have my joy back. You guys are so uplifting and encouraging. How could I possibly stay in a rut? Yes I know that God is here and I know that He has gotten me here. He will not leave me nor will He forsake me. I just sometimes need to hear it from someone who really understands. Thanks to all of you for your prayers.

Response by Janet in Maryland on July 23rd, 2007 at 9:09 pm
Fran, please always keep in mind Proverbs 16:9. “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Your husband may file for divorce. The divorce may even be granted but we know one thing, God’s purpose is what will prevail. We know as a fact that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16). God loves restoration, so put your trust in Him and His word. He will see you through and will restore to you all the locusts have eaten. I am happy to see you have your joy back. That is God’s will for you. His plan and purpose will always prevail. What He does for one, He will do for all. Be blessed, my dear, God is still in control.

Response by Paula on July 23rd, 2007 at 10:17 pm
Fran, sweetie. I certainly understand, but be still and know God is GOD! I think something great must be on the horizon, because I too like many others, have been under attack emotionally. But, I’m convinced that given the fact God hates divorce, we should ask him daily to defend and protect our marriage and trust him for the outcome! God is in CONTROL! thank you for sharing your testimony with us. As usual, it has blessed and encouraged me!

A Very Timely Message from Bill and Marsha Burns! – by Linda Wattu

Since so many of us seem to be struggling with different issues these days, we all need to realize just who our enemy is and that WE ARE VICTORIOUS IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST! BUT we can’t and won’t walk in that victory as long as we remain focused on the work of the devil instead of magnifying and glorifying the power and promise of God’s Word! We are who we SAY we are and we will have what we SAY we will have, but we have to rely on the JOY of our salvation for the strength we need in ALL circumstances!

So the following message from Bill and Marsha Burns today is indeed timely for all of us! If you don’t receive their daily email messages yet, I strongly suggest that you sign up for them, which you can do at this link. And here’s their awesome message for today:

“Spirit of Prophecy Bulletin

The Trumpet by Bill Burns
— July 23, 2007: Take up the sword of the Spirit and cut off the head of the serpent. Cut off his head before he strikes. But, if he has already struck, be like My servant Paul who unfastened the serpent and dropped it in the fire. Come forth in this season of victory. It has been spoken that you are in a season of warfare, but warfare always lead to victory in My people. If you are in My camp, you win. I am the Lord of Hosts, and as you go forth to fight the good fight of faith I will send My warring angels to fight on your behalf and even beside you, says the Lord. These are the days of the overcomer when you can overcome things that you have been unable to conquer even until now. These are also the days of the restoration of all things — restoration of the power of the kingdom and the blessings of the kingdom. I am the King of the kingdom, and I will establish that which is rightfully Mine among My people. Rejoice for surely you shall have the victory.

Small Straws In A Soft Wind by Marsha Burns
— July 23, 2007: Beloved, you cannot fight the good fight of faith and maintain the mentality of the victim. You cannot be victorious and be the victim at the same time, for this puts you in the position of being double- minded. And, the double-minded man gets nothing. Make up your mind, for you must establish yourself in faith so that you absolutely know that you have the victory before you ever engage in battle, says the Lord.
James 1:6-8 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

Response by Fran on July 23rd, 2007 at 11:08 am
Thanks Linda. I really needed that. I need to get on their list. Fran

Response by Christy on July 23rd, 2007 at 11:28 am
I am on their list, but have not had time to read it this morning, so thanks for posting it. I can’t wait for it all to come to pass.

Response by Maria on July 23rd, 2007 at 11:57 am
Linda, I received the same this morning and was stunned. I couldn’t quite understand “Take up the sword of the Spirit and cut off the head of the serpent. Cut off his head before he strikes. But, if he has already struck, be like My servant Paul who unfastened the serpent and dropped it in the fire.” How do we do it in practical terms in our circumstances? Some examples, please. Thanks, Maria

Response by Christy on July 23rd, 2007 at 12:28 pm
If I’m wrong, Linda, correct me, but I took that passage to mean this: the serpent is the attack on my marriage. The head should be cut off before it strikes (by being a godly wife). But it has already struck because I didn’t “cut off the head” and become a godly wife long ago, so since it has struck, I am to fight it and beat the serpent back “into the fire” until I have won my battle. But I could be wrong. Bill Burns could mean something entirely different. Or he could mean for it to speak to each of us differently. I guess the serpent would be any spiritual battle. Am I way off or on the mark? Thanks

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 1:08 pm
Not much time to respond right now, but the Word is the sword of the Spirit – speak the Word to your circumstances! The serpent is the devil!

Response by Thursa on July 23rd, 2007 at 1:25 pm
I like your response Christy! I think it can apply to each of us differently, but the underlying message of speaking the Word in defense and claiming the promises of the Word is the sword we have to send Satan (the serpent) packing and throw him right into the fire!!! Most recently I can see Linda’s testimony of her illness and how it had already struck, but she used God’s Word (her sword) to cut off the head of the ugly serpent while she was in the ER and was quoting “I can do all things through Christ Jesus….”!!!

Response by Christy on July 23rd, 2007 at 1:38 pm
Works for me! I wasn’t sure I was right – just guessing. That’s just how I took it as I read it. The word seems very logical.

Response by Maria on July 23rd, 2007 at 2:16 pm
Christy, sounds good to me. Thanks for your explanation.

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 5:02 pm
Just a couple of scripture references to the Word as the Sword of the Spirit–because the only opinion that matters is God’s Word, and this is what it says and what I’m sure Bill Burns meant. But it can be applied to practical situations as you suggested, Christy. And Thursa’s example of how I used it in the ER is a very good example.

Ephesians 6:17
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
(Read in full context of Ephesians 6:12-18 – about putting on the whole armor of God)

And this one gives more insight to how the Word is used like a sword::
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

But the point is that even after the serpent does strike, we don’t have to suffer any ill effects, which we see by reading about the incident Bill was referring to in Acts 28:1-7 I don’t know just where it is, but there is somewhere in Acts (I think) where it says that we won’t be harmed by serpents and a host of other stuff. Maybe someone else knows where that is.

Response by Sharon on July 23rd, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Linda, this post speaks directly to some issues that I have to face today. Thank you for posting this to remind me that I am in the midst of a spiritual warfare and MUST use the sword of the spirit to be victorious!

Waiting Patiently – by Christy

Well, per SNO’s plan, I should have moved this weekend. But as Saturday approached, he never brought it up until Wednesday and said that since we had some neighbors on vacation, we would wait until this coming weekend (the 27th and 28th) to move my things, but said that I would stay behind with a few of my clothes and personal things for another week until we had a chance to talk to our neighbors about this. So SNO has delayed things once again. Also there was a delay on my bathroom flooring by 5 days and it won’t be in before then. I am thankful for the delays. I have no idea what they mean, but it’s just that much longer to be with my husband; and maybe more time for God to change SNO’s mind. And maybe it’s more time for him to realize that he misses me more when I’m gone. I don’t know. I’m trying not to lean on my own understanding, because it doesn’t matter what I’m thinking anyway. I wonder if SNO is having a harder time with my move than he lets on, and maybe he isn’t ready to let go. Maybe he is just being nice, since he knows I don’t want to move without saying goodbye to everyone. There I go again trying to figure it out. But it doesn’t matter what I imagine; it’s all God’s plan. He knows what’s going on with SNO, why the flooring is late, and everything and anything else. I’m not praying for delays; I’m praying for a “suddenly” just before I am to move. I am trying to have a good attitude about either: staying or moving. It’s hard to be positive about the move though, because I don’t want to, but I try to tell myself that it would be time alone to grow, actually date my husband, and I’d be moving to a house with a huge tree and plenty of birds and squirrels to feed, which I love. That’s what I try to think about when SNO mentions my move.

Even though it’s hard not to think about the what, how, why, when, etc.; that’s just leaning on our own understanding when we do that. But it’s hard not to think about it when you’re praying about it all day! I’m sure all of you have been there – playing that ping-pong game in your head! But I praise God for his plan, because I trust it’s a good one!

Thanks to all of you for your support.

Response by Maria on July 23rd, 2007 at 12:26 pm
Christy, you were so patient lately and you came such a long way with your praises in spite of what is going on in your life. You are so faithful and trusting, obeying and waiting. And God will reward all this in due time. May He continue to strengthen you and uphold you in His arms. As you say, you don’t know about all the delays at hand, but you are praising Him and He will show the reasons why in the end. Glad SNO is considering waiting for your neighbors to come back from their vacation, whatever that would mean in the language that we don’t understand. I am sure God knows exactly and we have to trust Him for that. Your new house seems like a paradise with all the nature surrounding it. You deserve your rest and perhaps God wants you there while He is working on SNO. Perhaps you do have to go so that SNO is going to miss you more than he can imagine now. I bet he will be around your place more than his. Just imagine the most fantastic things that will happen as a result of this. Just continue to do what you are doing, because you are covered by His blood and your are safe and sound in His loving arms.

Response by Thursa on July 23rd, 2007 at 1:37 pm
Christy, I am sure each and every one of us has dealt with the ping-pongs in our head! And the way we overcome them is to do just as you said and give all our “what ifs” to God! There’s a line in a country song that says “if you want to make God laugh, tell Him YOUR plans.” He has you so covered in so many ways, it is impossible to even think of understanding what His God glorifying plan is! You can just be assured it WILL bring Him glory and He will fulfill the promises He has given you, one of which is a completely restored marriage!!!

One of my devotions from Streams in the Desert this weekend dealt with waiting. And as I read your post, it was recalled to me. The gist of it was God being the Great Gardener! He has planted all of these seeds and is properly watering and growing them! His plan is to pick them at the precise moment that will bring Him the most glory! He has to let them mature where they will fully bloom; not just barely shine and then wither away! His careful tending is the best!!! We are simply to wait and know that He does know far more about it all than we could even imagine! As our purpose is to bring Him glory, it should be a joyous thought to know that He is taking the careful loving attention to use US to bring about an even brighter glory story for Him! Keep praising Him and have the strength and confidence in what you mentioned earlier, that He has chosen US to do such a wonderful thing!!! He’s not going to let you down, Christy, wherever you may be living, God will completely restore your and SNO’s marriage!!! Cast all your cares and anxieties on Him and ask that He give you the rest and confidence that He continues to grow and mature in you already!!!

Response by Fran on July 23rd, 2007 at 3:05 pm
Christy, none of us know what He has in store for us or what plans He has for bringing His plans about. I see a change in you from just a week ago. You seem to have such peace about things and that is a good place to be. I was there and I am getting back to it. Your post is very encouraging to me as well.

That old devil is running and hiding for cover. He didn’t know who he was messing with. We are children of the Most High. We are covered. Be blessed and continue to rest in Him. Fran

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 4:08 pm
AMEN, Fran!!! The devil can look out, he’s about to lose his head! whack! Whack! I’ve certainly had enough of him in my life and I think it’s high time we all do EXACTLY what the Burns’ told us to do this morning and take back everything the devil has tried to steal, kill and destroy, and we do that by SPEAKING out loud the Word of God! And the devil will do the exact same thing He did when Jesus did that to him – he tucked his tail between his legs and high tailed it out of there!!! It’s difficult to have a more powerful illustration of God’s faithfulness to do the totally unexpected when we are faith filled and obedient than Robin’s testimony of what happened when she submitted and signed the divorce papers SNO wanted her to sign! And that’s just the beginning and not the end! Like she said, we need to understand that instead of signing a death certificate, we’re actually signing a birth certificate! I loved that, by the way, Robin! And just go back and look at Robin’s post from the prior week and look what God has done since then! And Robin didn’t even tell you all how long it’s been since her husband did anything like that! I bet he’s even trying to figure out what’s going on himself! He’s probably just as surprised as Robin! Now we know why God tells us that a man can’t even understand his own way! (Proverbs 20:24 A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand his own way?)

Response by Sasha on July 23rd, 2007 at 7:40 pm
Christy, I have definitely been there with the (ping pong mind) and I praise God for his patience with us. We ask him to teach us to be patient and he does. Look at you, you are doing great. And I think God is giving you an opportunity to show SNO your godliness, and through that, restore your marriage. There are no coincidences and we are in God’s hand. I praise God for what he is doing. Take it one day at a time. Sometimes it may be one hour at a time. Just praise God and enjoy the ride. God definitely has a plan and it is always for our good. I am just amazed of what God is doing in our lives. I see him moving in a great way and your testimony is just more evidence that he is at work. I praise him for what he is doing in you and your marriage. God bless, Sasha.

Response by Janet in Maryland on July 23rd, 2007 at 8:48 pm
Christy, I know exactly what you are feeling with the ping pong mind. Before my husband moved out, he spoke about leaving and needing his space and all the other “I am leaving” stuff. I waited and waited and there was one reason after another for a delay. Then he surprised me and said I am leaving tomorrow and he left. I felt very sad, almost to the point where I thought I just couldn’t do without him. I did not even want to have to get out of bed. It has now been a year and four months since he has left and even though I have had my moments, I am now at peace. I look at this time apart as a time that God is using to help me get my relationship with Him in order. I am sure my Lord first wants me to have a right relationship with Him and He is certainly working that out with me. I have grown so much spiritually since my husband left, and I’m sure that God is working things out in such a way that when my marriage is restored, my husband who is not saved, will be won over to the Lord, just by observing my behavior.

I do not know why God is orchestrating your delays, but we as Christians know that He will use whatever is happening for something good. If indeed you do move, use the time to get closer to God. Feeding your birds and squirrels is an opportunity for you to tell God how great are the works of His hands. The admiration of nature is saying, God you are indeed awesome. He will be pleased with that. God bless you.

Obedience!!!! – by Robin

Whew!!! I signed all the papers. It was a little trying at first because my husband seemed a bit anxious to get me to sign them, and the devil tried to lift his ugly head. But I began saying out loud, “no, I am going to be obedient to God and act in peace, I am not going to let the enemy get any victory here.” I signed all the papers with a smile on my face and I had an unusual peace within my spirit. When I completed signing the papers, I asked my husband to explain to the children what we were discussing. As he was telling them, I interjected, and explained that I didn’t agree with this, because I am standing on the word of God for the restoration of my family. I also stated that I didn’t want to send a legacy of divorce down the generations, and that I was going to continue to pray and believe God for His promise of restoration. My husband quickly replied that if they get into a marriage and their no longer interested, it’s okay to divorce. I waited until he was done and explained that according to the word of God, God hates divorce and He is for marriage. I explained to my husband that I am raising godly children, who will live according to the word of God. After we completed our discussion, he took the papers and placed them in his bag. He then, without any forethought, said, “Let’s go to the movies.” I was folding clothes and looked at him in awe. I took the t-shirt that I was folding and threw it over my face. He then said to me, “are you laughing or crying?” I replied, “I believe that I’m doing a little bit of both.” He simply could not understand; well I don’t understand either! I then asked him if he wanted the kids to come along, and he said, “No, just us.” Well, long story short, we not only went to the movies, but we had dinner, and he’s been at my house all weekend; sleeping on the couch, for now. LOL. I just cannot understand this, but I know who does!!!! It was as if, initially, a big wave had come and knocked me off my feet, but as I began to have my “Peter” experience and trust in the master, I began to walk on water. I don’t know what God is doing, but I trust Him. I thought going through this process was like signing a death certificate, but my trust in God is letting me see that through my trust in Him, I am signing a birth certificate. Saints of the Most High, hold fast to your faith, because eyes have not seen, nor ears have heard, nor has entered into the hearts of men, the things that God has in stored for us. If divorce is a part of the restoration process, although He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Our God is an Awesome God!!!! Love ya all, Robin

Response by Thursa on July 23rd, 2007 at 2:37 pm
Wow Robin!! I can definitely see how you would just about fall over from wondering what was going on! The cool thing is that you can stand on the confidence that God IS in complete control and the whole situation is just as you said, “part of the restoration process!” How wonderful it is that you were able to have such peace in such time of trial AND THEN receive such a blessing to have movie, a dinner and a weekend with your husband! To me it strongly shows how God is the one directing the heart, despite what our spouses may plan!

Response by Christy on July 23rd, 2007 at 2:41 pm
This is great. I know you didn’t want to sign the papers, but when you submitted to your husband, he softened a bit and asked you to the movies, which turned into some sort of weekend retreat on your sofa for him! I guess he didn’t want to leave you – probably because he was attracted to the godly woman standing for her family!!! Keep standing. Even if SNO turns the papers in and the divorce goes through, he won’t be able to keep from hanging out on your sofa. God will cover all your spouse does. Keep your chin up!

Response by Maria on July 23rd, 2007 at 2:46 pm
Robin, that’s a fantastic praise testimony. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of Diane’s testimony minus the needle. Yours looks more like a movie with the movie, dinner and all weekend together with your husband and the children. It’s such a great gift from God for your obedience to respect your husband and to praise God and give Him all the glory. I thank God for giving you such a peace to handle the trying situation and such a great reward at the end.

Response by Fran on July 23rd, 2007 at 3:01 pm
Robin, this is awesome. Your husband’s heart is softening and I am just in awe of the Lord. You were bold in your speaking and that is a testimony in and of itself. I’ve learned some things from you today. Praise God that you were able to spend the entire weekend with your husband at home. I will continue to pray for you. Remember, we are all blessed and highly favored. We have been chosen by the Most High. Thank you for sharing your praise at a time when I really needed to hear it. Fran

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 3:54 pm
Robin, what an AWESOME praise report! Now who but God could have managed that!!! And this is a perfect example of why we can’t EVER listen to ANYTHING our husbands (or wives) say and why we can’t ever elevate what they do above what our ever faithful God can and will do! You took those thoughts captive, Girl, and you MADE them OBEDIENT to His Word, and God rushed in to do EXACTLY what His Word promises He WILL do! And He will do the exact same thing for all of us if we’ll just trust and obey Him. We need to read Psalm 37:5-6 and Proverbs 3:5-6 over and over a million times a day to make sure we get it! God is NOT a liar and that is EXACTLY what He is going to do, and we know that will NEVER include divorce and the destruction of our families! Talk about His ways being so different and so far above ours – this one would be hard to beat! I just love it and I love the timing of how He is bringing all of these situations together at just the right time! Now, Amy, it’s time for yours!!! And then I’ll have one of the most powerful SOF posts ever! And Suzanne, you had better get yours on record too! I wouldn’t want any of us to miss the power of the Holy Spirit that is flowing through our midst right now, and the surest way to make sure not to do that is to praise His Holy name and give Him all the glory He so richly deserves!

God, you are so awesome and so amazing! How we worship and adore you! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and faithfulness Lord! And I know we are about to see you moving in our midst as NEVER before! I know we’ve been under demonic attack for a reason, but we have prevailed and will continue to prevail and I know we are going to see your power and glory displayed in our midst way beyond anything we could ever ask or imagine! I just can’t wait to see what miraculous things you’re going to do next! We praise your Holy name as we pray for your grace and anointing to always just simply trust and obey you, Lord. And we ask all this in the most precious name in all of heaven and earth, the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Amen.
Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 4:32 pm
By the way, Maria, you have your own praise testimony to share, and yours is starting to look a lot more like Diane’s too! All that “all over the place” and crying! That sounds even more like SNO. And your husband’s attitude toward you is definitely softening! So keep an eye out for the unexpected in your situation too! And don’t forget to post those praises!

Response by Sasha on July 23rd, 2007 at 7:32 pm
God is great and praise God he does not lie and his word is true. Robin, I’m thinking of Jesus’ death; just when the devil thought he had won, our Lord was beginning his journey to resurrection. Supposedly all was ending with your signature, but God had other plans. God is perfect. God allows things to die so he can resurrect them and receive even more glory. I praise God for your testimony. Thank you, God continues to minister to me greatly through you ladies. It’s about faith and obedience. God bless. Sasha

Response by Melissa in Pennsylvania on July 23rd, 2007 at 8:47 pm
Robin, I have to tell you I started to cry; tears literally ran down my face as I read this awesome testimony! That’s a powerful one. As I was reading the beginning, I was thinking your going in the direction of saying that you had peace when you signed the papers. And that alone, would be a great testimony. I mean who really has peace when they sign papers of that nature? But to see where it ended up going was incredible! God is soo good. Robin, I remember reading just a few days ago when you found out about him filing for the “D” word. God granted you such true peace, and rewarded you for trusting in His ways. Praise God!! I am truly blessed just by reading this, because it touched something in my heart. God just showed me how good He is. Only He could have done something like that in a time that was so painful! Thank you for sharing!

Response by Amy on July 23rd, 2007 at 9:28 pm
Robin!!!! I can only imagine how hard it was to be obedient in this situation, but with His help you pulled it off and look at the blessings that our wonderful Lord is raining down on you! It is all God! Stay strong, because He is bringing your hubby home for good!

Response by Paula on July 23rd, 2007 at 10:01 pm
Robin!! This is one of the most awesome praise reports I’ve ever heard! God is so awesome and faithful! This has certainly encouraged me to hang on and believe God despite what happens.

Response by Sharon on July 23rd, 2007 at 11:22 pm
Robin, God will definitely bless you for being obedient. He has this situation in control, and he will definitely strengthen you and continue to give you peace as he takes control of this situation! Be Blessed!

Center>Praises and Prayer Request – Name Omitted

God showed me yet again last night that He IS working in my husband. As I have said before, the past couple of weeks have been pretty dim looking. But I have continued to keep my faith in God and refused to look at things as they appeared to be, and instead kept my focus on God.

Last night I had to talk to SNO before the kids spoke to him at prayer time, because I have been having a rough time with them since we moved here. Their behavior has not been so great, and they’ve gotten a lot worse recently. So I asked him if he would speak to the kids about it, which he did. My son completely ignored him as he was speaking to him, so he got to see first hand what I was talking about. I think he did make some sort of impact on our daughter though, because she was definitely a bit different today. After he said their prayers with them, we talked some more and he said that he was offered a job that pays great and he seemed to really like the man. He was supposed to start today, but I have not heard from him yet today, which is actually a great sign that he is working! He also mentioned more than once last night and in the past few days, that he is under a lot of stress. He kept blaming it on money, but I knew it was more.

Then SNO called around 1:30am this morning. The conversation started out a bit funky, since his excuse for calling wasn’t too good. But it didn’t take long to understand why he truly called. He had been out all night searching for his mother, who had called him to come pick her up. Long story short, his mother has made decisions in her life that have made her life very difficult. He never did find her, and as he was telling me what happened, he finally broke down. And I praise God for what I ended up hearing from him. He realized last night, that he had in fact become just like his parents. And he said that’s exactly what he didn’t want. He also admitted that his life was spinning out of control and he didn’t know how to stop it. He even said that he was unhappy with every part of his life at this point. He also said that he knew that one of the reasons the children were behaving the way they are is because he is not here to enforce the rules. And he said That popping in and out the way he does was something his parents did and it was wrong. Two things he continued to repeat throughout our conversation was that he was so tired and it was just so hard. And he was crying the entire conversation. He was acknowledging quite a bit, but I could tell that he had no clue what to do about any of it. I have known that he was lost this entire time, and I praise God that SNO saw it last night too. But after awhile, he wanted off the phone. He was becoming extremely upset and it seemed he did not want me to hear any more of it. As we were getting off the phone, I felt like God was telling me that he needed to hear that he was loved. So I told him. As soon as I said the words “I love you, SNO.” he broke down to the point that he had to rush off the phone.

As I said, I haven’t heard from him yet today, and I am excited to hear about his new job. I know he might not say a word about our talk last night, and that is fine, because God has already shown me that He is indeed working in my husband, and that is all I need to know.

So I ask for your prayers that SNO would continue to see these things and that he would start to take action and not just talk, because we have all talked the talk before walking the walk! Please send your prayers his way, because he is definitely fighting a battle that can only be won through the power of God.

Response by Linda Wattu on July 23rd, 2007 at 6:36 pm
MNO, this is a very significant praise report. When our spouses are saying that they are tired and it’s too hard, they really are close to coming home. and it’s very significant that he’s seeing and even acknowledging that his kids are suffering the consequences of his choices. Yes, Honey, he is just looking for a way out of the trap Satan has used to ensnare him, so focus your prayers on God showing him the way of escape we know He has already provided. I can truly see the hand of God in all of this, especially the timing for everything. SNO has so little contact with his mom, and then all of a sudden, just when he is finally getting a job, he hears from her and she asks for his help in a situation that revealed himself to himself as NOTHING anyone else could ever say or do would have ever done.. Trust me, that is God in action! And without knowing any of that was going on (the job offer or the thing that happened later with his mom), you just happened to pick that particular night to ask him to speak to the children because of the discipline problems you’re having? No, Honey, that is without a doubt, God at work. And SNO is without a doubt finally coming to the end of himself and starting to face the reality of the mess he has made of his life, and that he has dragged you and the kids right into the mess with him. And God will use the income he will have now to make the way of escape and to make it possible for him to get ahome for ALL of you. He just wasn’t ready to make that choice before, MNO, and now he is. God knew it wouldn’t have worked before, and that’s why he closed all of the doors up to this point. So just keep doing what you’ve been doing, Honey, because it doesn’t look like it will be much longer before your marriage and family are restored for the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, which we claim in His name and authority!

Response by Sasha on July 23rd, 2007 at 7:24 pm
MNO, this is awesome; God’s promises and blessings are manifesting. I am so excited for you. that SNO is recognizing his present state and telling you about it, is a major breakthrough. I will definitely keep SNO in my prayers. Sasha

Response by Melissa in Pennsylvania on July 23rd, 2007 at 8:13 pm
Oh, MNO, how wonderful! Not that SNO is suffering, as I am sure it’s difficult to hear, but that he is no longer blind to the situation he is in. God has given him eyes to see, and ears to hear! He IS working on restoring each one of our families everyday. Keep praying, praising, and claiming your promises. Restoration is near for you, sweetie. God is the only one who truly knows when, but when He makes His move, nothing stands in His way. We all have to stay in the word as much as we can, because scriptures tell us that the enemy works hard on us when we are close to our miracles. Be blessed, MNO, your family is on its way to restoration.

Response by Lisa on July 23rd, 2007 at 10:34 pm
MNO, this is indeed truly a great step toward restoration! I will continue to pray for you and your family and that the Lord will continue to manifest a miracle and bring SNO to repentance and bring him home in His perfect timing. Be encouraged! He is truly working it all out right before your eyes! Lisa

Lots of Praises – Name Omitted

I am so pleased that Linda is back on her feet and coming around fast. May God continue to heal her and disperse the very last trace of the dye from her system. I also pray that the “false” cyst behind the pancreas is not only false, but nonexistent as well! All this was for a reason, because so many breakthroughs happened this weekend. Praise the Lord.

I have been looking a lot at Diane’s praises from way back in January lately, and have spotted so many similar happenings in my life. For example, my husband visited my daughter last week, who is recovering from infection after surgery. Apparently, he stayed for several hours, and was all over the place emotionally, which sure sounds familiar. He was basically upset, because none of our children want to embrace the NCP, so much unlike his family. Then he said that they no longer attend church since their involvement in the church was rejected by the pastor. But apart from that, they are very happy.

At the moment we are checking into me getting a mortgage to buy this place, but I have already been rejected by one broker already. Praise the Lord. One more shot to go. And since my son would prefer that my husband not visit our grandchildren at their house, I offered to let him visit them here instead, now that I am babysitting them all day every Saturday. He thanked me and said that he is going to consider the offer. So I pray that he will accept the offer.

I am so grateful for the things that are coming along and praise God for whatever is happening. Your encouragement and kind words and cheering are very soothing. I still need a lot of coaching about reading between the lines and thank God that Linda is better at it. We just have to continue to praise the Lord and give Him all the honor and glory.

I also observed a yellow zebra finch on her favourite fragile twig. She was eating something and coming towards the top and I was expecting her to lose her balance and fall. But at just the right time, she noticed my dog and flew off. She was flying joyfully all around, with not a care in the world; just rejoicing and flapping her beautiful wings in the air. If she was so happy and carefree in spite of the danger; why are we so fearful and troubled, I wonder.

Response by Christy on July 24th, 2007 at 12:28 pm
Well, about a billion thoughts come to mind on this. The biggest is the fact that your husband being “all over the place emotionally” tells me he isn’t that happy with his life. Oh, I’m sure the fact that his own children won’t accept the NCP is why he was so upset, but if he were soooo super happy, he would accept the fact that his grown children felt that way and not worry about it. Let me explain a bit more; if he were so happy and sure it was “meant to be” with the NCP, he would know in his heart, that his children would eventually come around – if this new relationship was ordained by God. But he is so upset by the reactions of his children that it’s caused him to stop and think about the situation and wonder if she is really right for him. I have no idea if she has “turned bitter as wormwood” yet, but I would guess not, since he says he’s happy. I would imagine the fact that the children are unaccepting of the NCP will cause her to turn bitter quickly. Often the other woman is very emphatic that she be accepted by all and “replace” the covenant wife. I almost don’t like declaring that, because I have not gone through that first hand, but I have actually witnessed this with four friends of mine who all had the same issues with the NCP. They all saw the NCP grow jealous and hateful, because the man had to make choices. Basically, what I am trying to say is that she will eventually get tired of SNO having to choose between her or his children. In one of my friend’s situation, the NCP ended up really resenting the fact he even had kids at all and left. And it may come down to this for SNO with : you being so gracious as to let him see his grandchildren when you watch them. When the NCP starts giving him grief about standing up to his children for her (which I believe she will do), and then you’re there letting him see his grandchildren; being understanding, supportive and a friend to him when he will need one, there won’t be any doubt as to who he will want to be with. Of course, this is just what I see based on what you’ve said and what I’ve seen friends go through. Even if I’m wrong about the specifics, God is working in your husband or he wouldn’t have been so emotional. He is only trying to convince himself right now that his relationship is good. But down deep, he knows the truth.

Keep hanging in there. Keep being kind and helpful to your husband. He will see this and it will draw him to you. And I hope he accepts the offer to come and visit on Saturdays!

Response by Thursa on July 24th, 2007 at 4:42 pm
Yes MNO! Praise God He is bringing about full health restoration in Linda!!! Thanks for starting your praise that way!

I also love the way you use the things in nature that God reveals to you! I pray that you would be able to fly as that zebra finch does! Fly with the confidence and grace of our Dear Lord as the wind under your wings!!! She is so happy and carefree because she looks not to her circumstances but only on confidence in her Maker!!!

And one comment stood out to me, “apart from that, they are happy”. Yah right!!! That is what SNO wants everyone to think. But as you have been seeing and sharing, he is softening and he will soon be returning to you!!! I Praise God with you in all the work He is doing in your marriage and I thank and Praise Him for your complete restoration as we watch it completely manifest!!!!

Coming Undone – Name Omitted

Over this past weekend, SNO and I had a few moments to speak again. He doesn’t let the NCP know we talk at all, and when we do talk and she is around, the conversation is 30 seconds or less. But SNO called me on Saturday night around midnight to let me know that he and the NCP were in yet another fight. He explained that they are always arguing and she even “threatened” him a few days before and said that she was going to bring all of his stuff here to my house! He also revealed that in one argument, he walked to a nearby park and she questioned him and implied that he was going to meet me there, which was not the case. And she also got physical with him in another argument. These are not true praises, but the confessions and consequences of an unblessed union. I wanted so bad to blurt out on the phone, “Baby, come home!” But God hasn’t given me the okay to say that. I remember that it wasn’t until Gomer realized she was better off with her husband than where she was; before God could speak tenderly to her, and transform her valley of trouble into a gateway of hope.

SNO also revealed that on the 24th, which is our son’s birthday, they will be in court concerning eviction from the apartment they live in, and I had no idea that court date would come up so fast; the landlord asked him to leave by June 30th. So I see his troubles are deep.

Sin promises so much freedom, but what does it deliver? Captivity, slavery, bondage, distress, and a whirlwind of troubles. But it hurts me to see my husband in such pain. That’s not to say that I would be happy if I knew they were; because that’s not the case either. I guess I just wish he knew how good it would feel to come home. So I am praying deeply for God to speak to him through signs, dreams, and memories to bring his mind, heart and footsteps home.

I do see Gods hand at work. He is undoing all that has been done to create this adulterous relationship. And I see God separating and breaking all soul ties between the two of them. I just have to be careful not to interpret God’s plan, as that would be relying on my own understanding as Christy pointed out earlier today. I know the end result is a restored marriage; that’s God’s promise, but the exact how, and when are not up to me to piece together.

In prayer today, I told the Lord I felt like I was in a fog, but in a good way. I could see some of what he was doing, but even at a short distance away, I couldn’t see it all. And in the same way a fog seems so thick one minute, and disappears another, so God will allow me to see clearly and experience all he has for our family.

Response by Linda Wattu on July 24th, 2007 at 1:34 am
Yes, MNO , it is never pleasant or easy to see the consequences of sin come to fruition in the lives of our spouses, but that is exactly what God’s Word tells us WILL happen, so when we do see it, we can rest assured that the end is coming! And if ever there was a situation in our midst that requires a quick resolution, Honey, it is yours! So let’s praise the Lord for His faithfulness and claim the full and complete restoration of your marriage and that SNO will in fact come to the end of himself and return to you and the kids SOON. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with tomorrow (today now!), especially since that has been your heart’s desire!

I think SNO is soon coming to that point of realizing that he was so much better off before than where he is now and he is certainly realizing that sin’s pleasure lasts for only a season, and that season is fast coming to an end! I didn’t share this with you at the time, or at least I don’t think I did, but when you said SNO had quit his job, I felt in my spirit that he did that as a way of escape from the NCP! Of course, that didn’t make much sense to me at the time, but now it does!

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Paul and Judy Rousseau’s testimony, but if I remember correctly, the NCP he was involved with got physical too, and there just aren’t too many men who are going to stay with a woman who gets physically violent. How true God’s Word is! She has become bitter as gall and as sharp as a double-edged sword, just as Proverbs 5:3-5warns: For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil; but in the end she is bitter as gall, sharp as a double-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.

Dear Lord, we ask for your intervention and that you will bring conviction to SNO that the life he has chosen is wrong and sinful in your eyes, and that you will give him the courage to walk away from it and to go back to his wife and family. Lord, MNO needs help now and every door we’ve tried to open seems to be closed, so we know that means you have another plan. So I ask for quick intervention, Lord, and that you will act speedily to bring about the full and complete restoration of this marriage and family. And, Lord, we know there is another child involved now, and we don’t know how all of that will be resolved, but we also know that SNO’s obligation and responsibility there does not supersede or invalidate his responsibility and obligation to his wife and legitimate children. So we pray for your protection for the NCP and her unborn child, Lord, and we pray for their provision and thank you that you and you alone can and will make a way where there seems to be no way. And in this case, that’s the only thing we can rely on. We know this woman and SNO need a relationship with you, Lord, so we ask you to draw them by the power of the Holy Spirit to salvation and deliverance from the lifestyle they have chosen for themselves and their child. And we ask for your mercy on them, Lord, and that you will bring the husband you have planned for this woman into her life and that he will be a godly man and a good step father for her baby. And I pray for you to give NO the grace and strength she needs, Lord, and the wisdom to know how to follow your lead. The complexities of man’s sin is certainly not new to you, Lord, and the ability to make something good and glorious of the messes we create is not new to you either. And we know that in accordance with your promise in Isaiah 55, you will turn this situation into something for the everlasting renown of Jesus Christ, and that MNO and her family will go forth in peace and joy! We love you and look forward to seeing your will manifested in this marriage and family for your glory. And I ask all this in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! Amen.

Response by Sasha on July 24th, 2007 at 7:20 am
MNO, I praise God for his faithfulness. I see again and again what trusting God can do. God is orchestrating everything. Thank you for being an example and allowing God to be glorified in your life. I agree with you in prayer for SNO and declare victory over the situation. If God is for you who can be against you. Sasha

Response by Lisa on July 24th, 2007 at 9:49 am
God is so faithful and I just praise him for moving in a most high way in your situation and circumstance. You are truly blessed to have such strength and peace in the Lord! I am praying for you and your wayward spouse and I pray that He brings His will about speedily and works everything for the good as He states He will in the word! God bless you, Lisa

Response by Thursa on July 24th, 2007 at 4:31 pm
Thank you for sharing, MNO! It is hard to see the roads our spouses choose to travel! But the wonderful thing is to know that God has given you a promise of complete marriage restoration and He will go after the one lost sheep and bring him home! So keep your eyes steadfast on our wonderful God and keep praising Him as you have! He will continue to bless you. Your son and your entire family our in my thoughts and prayers today!

Response by Christy on July 24th, 2007 at 7:19 pm
MNO, I am sure it is very hard to see the man you love hurting that way. But, like Linda said, the Bible said this would happen. God’s word would ring true eventually. It’s bittersweet, isn’t it? In one way, you are glad God’s promises are kept and I’m sure you are glad to have proof once again that His word is true. But you also don’t want SNO hurting – or anyone for that matter. Don’t worry though. God will take care of SNO. He will return safely to you soon. I agree with Linda that it sure looks as though a swift resolution is required. Just a little while longer… hang in there. I will be praying for SNO and for the Lord to be speaking to him about going home!

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