Overcomers MUST have Overcoming Faith!

There’s no doubt that standing for marriage restoration requires us to be overcomers, and that means we MUST have overcoming faith! After all, we know that without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Hebrews 11:6) and that when we shrink back from living by faith, He is NOT pleased with us (Hebrews 10:38). So faith obviously plays a VERY significant role as we stand against the ways of the world and the work of the devil for the restoration of our marriages and families. And Glenn Jackson’s message, titled ABSOLUTE FAITH, is one of the best I’ve ever read on the topic of faith, so I strongly urge everyone standing for marriage restoration to read it and seriously meditate on it. As God is SO faithful to do, it also confirms a lot of the recent discussion and conversations in the FAM Fellowship over the past few days too. And when we REALLY get the connection between faith and our knowledge and understanding of God’s Word (Romans 10:17) and truly KNOW WHO GOD IS (Psalm 46:10), and learn to rely and operate in the powerful truth of Glenn’s message, we will without a doubt be very blessed and encouraged…AND WE WILL OVERCOME AND BE VICTORIOUS (Romans 8:31)!

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